
Cure Hemorrhoids Without Hemorrhoid Surgery - Get Rid of Piles Now

- The best way to get rid of hemorrhoids once and for all. I couldn't find anything better.

Hi! I'm robo-Suzie and today I'll talk to you about Hemorrhoids Cure Without Hemorrhoid Surgery.

Also don't forget to check out the link below, for the most comprehensive, multi-faceted program for fixing hemorrhoids. it has a very high success rate.

But back to our topic.

I have often read that the best way to cure hemorrhoids is hemorrhoid surgery. This is frequently suggested by medical practitioners and laypeople alike as the most effective way to get rid of hemorrhoids.

Yet I wonder: On what basis is this advice given? Certainly not research. I have studied hemorrhoids and other digestive disorders for more than 20 years and while it's true that hemorrhoid surgery can bring relief for most types of hemorrhoids - bleeding hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids - it is not without it's own possible side-effects. And it is not without pain. A hemorrhoidectomy can be an extremely painful operation. You will need pain-killers and time off work to recover. It can be a month or two before things begin to feel "normal" again.

Unfortunately, hemorrhoid surgery is not always 100% successful - I have consulted with many hemorrhoids sufferers who have had multiple operations, and have not been cured. The important factor most doctors and surgeons neglect to tell hemorrhoid sufferers is that hemorrhoid surgery is not a cure, as such - it is removing the symptom, which is the swollen vein.

If the actual cause of the hemorrhoid is not addressed, recurrences can, and often do, occur.

In my experience, hemorrhoid surgery can be avoided. During my many years of working with hemorrhoid sufferers, they often asked if there were any effective natural hemorrhoid treatments they could try before resorting to hemorrhoid surgery. The doctors always told them not to bother with such remedies. Yet there are many natural hemorrhoid remedies which will shrink hemorrhoids, stop bleeding hemorrhoids and reduce pain. While these do not necessarily offer a permanent cure for hemorrhoids, they do allow you to get on with life, while you treat the underlying causes.

There are many simple supplements which will help address the actual reasons why hemorrhoids occur. These can assist in strengthening the veins and improving the digestive system - most hemorrhoids sufferers find many added health benefits from this, apart from a cure for hemorrhoids.

These supplements have been the subject of clinical studies which have shown extremely effective results. This is the reason I question why doctors advise hemorrhoid sufferers against the use of natural hemorrhoid treatments. Considering some of the possible side-effects of prescription and over-the-counter hemorrhoid remedies, especially those containing cortis. I have often read that the best way to cure hemorrhoids is hemorrhoid surgery. This is frequently suggested by medical practitioners and laypeople alike as the most effective way to get rid of hemorrhoids

Yet I wonder: On what basis is this advice given? Certainly not research. I have studied hemorrhoids and other digestive disorders for more than 20 years and while it's true that hemorrhoid surgery can bring relief for most types of hemorrhoids - bleeding hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids - it is not without it's own possible side-effects. And it is not without pain. A hemorrhoidectomy can be an extremely painful operation. You will need pain-killers and time off work to recover. It can be a month or two before things begin to feel "normal" again.

Unfortunately, hemorrhoid surgery is not always 100% successful - I have consulted with many hemorrhoids sufferers who have had multiple operations, and have not been cured. The important factor most doctors and surgeons neglect to tell hemorrhoid sufferers is that hemorrhoid surgery is not a cure, as such - it is removing the symptom, which is the swollen vein.

If the actual cause of the hemorrhoid is not addressed, recurrences can, and often do, occur.

That's it! Thank you.

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