
⭐️❤️Everyone is surprised! This remedy eliminates hemorrhoids in just 24 hours!

⭐️❤️Everyone is surprised! This remedy eliminates hemorrhoids in just 24 hours!

The success of these home remedies for hemorrhoids is so great that we often receive messages from readers asking us to come back to them.

So today we have resolved to meet those requests.

But, before the recipes, a question: do you know what hemorrhoids are?

Hemorrhoids are varicose veins, altered veins in the anus.

They can be:

external, when they are visible;

or internal, seemingly nonexistent, but often bringing discomfort and pain.

In the view of natural medicine, hemorrhoids are caused by poor circulation, constipation and excess toxins in the anus region.

And they also have close relationships with people who charge a lot of life, who are perfectionists and work under pressure of certain deadlines.

The first recommendation of natural medicine to those who have hemorrhoids is to improve nutrition.

It is essential to diet rich fibers so that avoid constipation and keep the intestines free from accumulation of feces.

The healthy and alkaline diet will also improve blood circulation not only in the region of the anus, but as throughout the body.

The hemorrhoids sufferer should stay away from sugar, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, pepper, gluten and beets.

And often consume lemonades, leafy salads, onions, coconut water and fruit juices like apple and watermelon.

Aside from these nutritional care, treatment can be enhanced with one of two home remedies:



1 cup of dried witch hazel leaves (bought at health food stores or medicinal herbs)

500 ml of water PREPARATION.


Boil water.

After boiling, put the leaves and close the pan.

Wait 15 minutes.

After that time, strain and store in the refrigerator.

When it is cold, put a good amount of the tea in a piece of cotton, so that it forms a wad, that will be applied in the place of the hemorrhoid.

Do this application three times a day.

Symptoms usually subside within the first few days of treatment.



1 leaf slug.


Take a leaf of slug.

Peel and remove the pulp (the gel).

Divide this pulp by cutting it into a suppository.

Take it to the freezer.

When the pulp is frozen, pour coconut oil into it and immediately insert the natural suppository into the anus.

Believe it or not: hemorrhoids relief will be very fast and possibly on the first day of application you will not feel any more discomfort.

Complete recipe in the description of the video. This is a channel that gives tips on home treatments. It does not replace a specialist. Always consult your doctor.

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