
How to get rid of hemorrhoids?

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Quickly and Naturally ?

People who had to deal with hemorrhoids most of their life can agree that it has detrimental effect on their daily life. The severe pain and bleeding when passing tools or during bowel movements, the itching and uncomfortable feeling, not to mention the embarrassment, can all bring severing effects on anyone’s life that they would find any means to get rid of their hemorrhoids.

Thankfully, there is no need for you anyone to live with hemorrhoids for the rest of their lives. There is also no need to go through complicated medical procedures since there are natural ways that effectively treat hemorrhoids. With simple and easy tips, you can finally say goodbye to your hemorrhoids once and for all.

What Are Hemorrhoids and What Causes It?

Hemorrhoids are inflamedblood vessels found in the lower part of the rectum and the anus. Due to the increased pressure within these blood vessels has made them swollen which bring pain and bleeding during bowel movement. Some of the believed causes of hemorrhoids include straining during bowel movement, pregnancy, prolonged sitting, inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, anal intercourse and rectal cancer.

Natural Remedies You Can Do At Home

How to get rid of hemorrhoids? Well, here are simple ways you to relieve the symptoms and get rid of your hemorrhoids. With these, you can finally start living without the pain from this condition that make your life unbearable.

• Taking Warm Bath

Taking warm bath offers instant relief to the pain associated with hemorrhoids. By filling a bath with enough warm water and soaking on it for a good 15 minutes, it can effectively relieve the itching, burning and pain. At the same time, it cleans the anus and reduces bacteria in this area. Do this twice daily.

• Cold Compress

Ice pack is another easy and highly effective home remedy to hemorrhoids. Apply a cold compress on your anus for about 15 to 20 minutes and this will relieve the itching and burning sensation. It’s best to do this a few times daily to effectively reduce the pain and swelling.

• Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a known astringent capable of treating various types of skin problems. It’s an anti-inflammatory compound derived from Hazel shrub and is also highly effective in treating hemorrhoids. You can use witch hazel pads to wipe the anus giving a numbing effect to the swollen blood vessels. It also effectively soothes the skin.

• Change Your Diet

Applying a few changes in your diet can minimize the symptoms of hemorrhoids. You can increase your fluid intake and include fiber in your diet which decreases for the potentials for constipation. Additionally, it lessens the pressure in the anus and rectum during bowel movement. This way, the swelling, bleeding and discomfort are minimized.

• Exercise

Exercise is an effective way to relieve constipation as well as decreasing the pressure in the hemorrhoid veins. As such, individuals suffering from hemorrhoids are encouraged to regularly exercise to relieve the pressure. Similarly, once you have the urge to have a bowel movement, it is best to have it as soon as possible instead of sitting on the toilet for long periods of time.