
Simple Treatment For Hemorrhoids

Suffering from hemorrhoids can be very painful and disturbing. There are lots of causes for hemorrhoids it could be from having chronic constipation, straining or diarrhea. Pregnant women as well as old people are very prone to this condition. Also, being overweight can cause hemorrhoids as this will inflame the rectum. So, if you're suffering from hemorrhoids, it is better to treat it as early as possible

There are lots of natural treatments for hemorrhoids. Applying crushed ice placed in a baggie wrapped in a clean cloth can be applied to the affected area, you can leave it on for 15 minutes every hour. This could stop minimize the swelling since ice when applied on the skin helps contract our blood vessels, this could also relieve the pain.

Below are other effective treatment methods for hemorrhoids.

You can opt for surgery; the affected part will be removed. This treatment is known as Hemorrhoidectory.

Take foods that are rich in fiber like vegetables since it helps loosen up the waste during bowel movement.

Another treatment option is through ligation. This is a process in which the hemorrhoid is wrapped by a material to block blood circulation in this area.

Another option is to inject a chemical in the affected area which could shrink the hemorrhoids.

You can also apply Aloe vera in the inflamed area to reduce the pain and the swelling.

To prevent hemorrhoids you must keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water everyday. This will also allow you to have easy bowel movement. One of the causes of hemorrhoids is sitting in one place for a long period of time. It is advisable to take some breaks from sitting from time to time.

Another factor that can also cause hemorrhoids is your lifestyle. Stress, smoking and lack of exercise are amongst those unhealthy lifestyle that my cause hemorrhoids. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to help avoid hemorrhoids. If you already are suffering from hemorrhoids eating them would help prevent the hemorrhoids to get worst.

One symptom of hemorrhoids is having an itchy feel in the affected area. Be sure not to scratch it as this could lead to swelling and bleeding to the affected area. You must have a proper hygiene especially in your body's sensitive area which includes the anus.

In case your suffering from severe hemorrhoids, it is better to talk to a doctor. Prevention is always better than cure, therefore eat nutritious foods and maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid having hemorrhoids.

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