
The Hemorrhoids

People who are suffering from hemorrhoids must know about the problem before treating them. A detailed knowledge about the disease will help you in choosing the appropriate and best treatment for yourself. So, it is better to know about the problem and its stage first and then proceed further while choosing the best product for its treatment. With the help of this article you will come to know about; what are hemorrhoids and what are its various causes, symptoms, preventions and effective treatments.

What are Hemorrhoids..?

Hemorrhoids are the enlarged, inflamed and swollen veins situated in the lower part of rectum and anus. After swelling these hemorrhoids can become pathological or piles. These hemorrhoids specify that the blood vessels in the lower area have been extended due to pressure. The hemorrhoids can be critical if not treated at its initial stage. There are two types of hemorrhoids; internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

Internal Hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids are present inside the rectum. Usually you cannot feel them as they do not cause any pain but they can bleed during bowel movements or while passing body wastes through rectum and anus. The blood can be seen on the toilet paper or in the forms of drops in the toilet bowl. If they reach to the severe condition then they need to be treated instantly.

External Hemorrhoids: External hemorrhoids are present around the anal area and are very sensitive. Even they can bleed if you touch them. Also the external hemorrhoids can be painful, itchy and irritated.

There are numerous people present all over the world who suffer from hemorrhoids at least once in their life. The various reasons due to which people got hemorrhoids are discussed below.

Causes of Hemorrhoids:

After a lot of researches it is noticed that there are so many factors that are responsible for having hemorrhoids which are as follows:

- Severe constipation is one of the most common causes of hemorrhoids.

- Spraining during bowel movements can also cause hemorrhoids.

- Sitting on toilet for a long period of time cause stretching which results in generating hemorrhoids.

- Obesity i.e. over weight can also be the cause of having the hemorrhoids problems.

- Anal intercourse is one of the major causes of hemorrhoids.

- Pregnancy is also the main cause of hemorrhoids as it increases the pressure in the abdomen due to which the veins in the lower rectum and anus becomes enlarged.

Various Symptoms That You Can Feel After Having Hemorrhoids:

Various symptoms that a person can feel when suffering from this problem are as follows:

- Anal itching is the common symptom.

- Severe anal pain while sitting.

- Severe pain during bowel movement.

- Blood on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.

- Swelling around the anal area.

- Discomfort and irritation around the anus.

- Sensitive and hard lumps around the anal area.

How Can You Prevent Yourself From Hemorrhoids..?

You can prevent yourself from hemorrhoids by keeping the following important factors in mind:

- First of all prevent yourself from constipation which is the major cause of hemorrhoids. For this you should do a lot of exercise and eat a nutritional diet which includes high fibers such as grains, fruits and vegetables. This will help in producing the stools softer which will easily pass out from the anus.

- Drink plenty of water at least 10 or 12 glasses a day.

- Avoid straining during bowel movements as it generates pressure. When you have an urge of having a bowel movement, do it as soon as possible. Wash the anal area properly before you leave the toilet.

- Avoid sitting continuously for a long period of time.

- Try to do Kegel exercise daily as they helps to strengthen the pelvic muscles which support the bladder, urethra, uterus and rectum.

Despite of all these preventions there are also some medical treatments available in market for both the mild as well as severe hemorrhoids. With the help of these treatments you can easily cure your hemorrhoids. But among the numerous medications it is very difficult or confusing to choose the best product for you as there are also some synthetic or chemical based products available that have a lot of side effects. So it is better to go with the herbal supplements as they are the best treatments of hemorrhoids.

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