
Why Having HEMORRHOIDS While PREGNANT is Common | How to Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

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The main reason women have hemorrhoids while pregnant is because their growing uterus putting pressure on the pelvic veins and the inferior vena cava. This slows the return of blood from the lower half of the body and increases pressure on the veins that are below the uterus, causing them to become more dilated and swollen.

The good news is that the hemorrhoids will begin to resolve themselves soon after giving birth. The bad news is that once you get them, you are likely to get them again, even while you aren't pregnant.

So what can you do if you develop hemorrhoids while you are pregnant? Here are some tips to follow if you find yourself with these painful devices.

1.) Avoid Constipation at all costs. You can do this by eating a high fiber, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly - even if it's just walking around the block once a day.

2.) Avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time. Get up and move around periodically if your job requires you to sit all day. Or if you stand most of the day, be sure to sit down periodically.

3.) Don't strain when using the bathroom and don't sit on the toilet any longer than necessary.

4.) Do Kegel exercises daily. This will increase the circulation in the rectal area and strengthen the muscles around the anus.

Things you can do to help relieve the pain and help the healing process:

1.) Take a sitz bath or soak in warm water with Epsom salt for 15 minutes, several times daily. This will help soothe the hemorrhoids and calm some of the inflammation. It will also help clean the affected area, which will help to avoid infection.

2.) Apply natural topical ointments such as Aloe Vera. The anti-inflammatory constituents that that reduce blistering and inflammation in burns will also help reduce the irritation caused by hemorrhoids.

It is always best practice to stick with proven, safe, and long lasting treatment methods. Be sure to visit our website and discover a natural healing method proven to help many other hemorrhoid sufferers.