
Benefits and properties of Chamomile. Cures for hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are a bit of a taboo topic for many people. No one likes talking about what is going on in such an intimate part of their body, but the reality is that besides being a relatively common malady, hemorrhoids often bring along with them many issues and very intense pain that increases as time goes by. Adequate treatment could end your discomfort quickly so why not talk about it, look for information and get better?

Chamomile is a plant that can easily be found in any garden and it is famed for its many medicinal properties, among which include the reduction and elimination of hemorrhoids. In this article, you’ll find 4 natural remedies with chamomile as their foundation to get rid of hemorrhoids.

What are Hemorrhoids?

When the veins of the rectum and the anus are inflamed, the padding of the submucous tissue that contain the surface blood vessels and arteries of the anal canal are projected out giving rise to hemorrhoids or piles. Under normal circumstances, the three pads located in the right lateral wall, the left and the middle area of the canal, are engaged and the mechanism of contention of bowel movements.

There are diverse causes for the emergence of hemorrhoids and once they emerge it is very likely that the problem will repeat itself later on if we do not avoid the exposition to the factors that cause their appearance.

Factors that can cause hemorrhoids

• • Constipation: this can become a chronic issue. Inflammation is caused by compression of the veins of the anal canal.

• • Hereditary factors: if you have a propensity to suffer from hemorrhoids.

• • Pregnancy: especially in the final weeks and during natural birth, abdominal pressure and the effort put forth cause inflammation.

• • Getting older: the rectal sphincter loses strength.

• • Diarrhea: causes irritation.

• • Obesity: this is due to the abdominal pressure on the pelvic floor.

• • Staying in the same position for a long time: standing up or sitting down for a long time without moving can cause inflammation. This is typical for certain professions: janitors, information technology professionals, office workers, taxi drivers, among others.

• • Portal Hypertension: Because of the increase of blood pressure at the portal system level.

• • Abuse of Laxatives: this causes irritation.

• • Spicy food, food with a lot of flavor or salt: causes inflammation from the intestinal and rectal mucous.

How to deal with this issue

These are precisely the symptoms of hemorrhoids that make them so hard to endure. Surgical interventions can sometimes be necessary by specialists, though usually symptoms can be relieved by using natural remedies. The 4 remedies using chamomile that I am going to outline are easy and very effective, but first you need to be certain that you are indeed suffering from this affliction.