
Buddha on Curing Hemorrhoids (Cancer) Sutra

Buddha on Curing Hemorrhoids Sutra

(In old language Hemorrhoids means Cancer)

Practice method:

1) Chanting Sutra, Recites the Mantra & dedication

– Having set a pure intention and have to ensure that whatever actions you take, must cultivating a pure intention which will be beneficial to your well-being and to others.

2) Chanting this Sutra 1 time, & Mantra Recites

108 times a day (or recites as much as you can).

3) Put a glass of water in front of you before you Chanting Sutra and Recites Mantra. Put your hands together and pray 【Um Ah Hung】 (recites 3 times) for cleaning the offerings

(a glass of water) and circumstances. Put your hands together and pray: 【Namo Shakyamuni Buddha 】(recites 3 times),【Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, please grant me blessings on this very water, after drink this water purify the obscurations and free from disease.】 (recites 3 times), Recite Buddha on Curing Hemorrhoids Sutra 1 times, then recites the below Buddha on Curing Hemorrhoids Mantra 108 times (or recites as much as you can).

Mantra (recites 108 times):

Da Zhi Ta, En Lan Di, En Lan Mi, Shi Li Pi, Shi Li Shi Li, Mo Jie Shi Zhi, San Po Ba Du, SoHa.

& Mantra (recites 108 times):

Da Zhi Ta, Zhan Mi, Zhan Mi, She Zhan Mi, Zhan Mo Ni, She Zhan Ni, SoHa.

Appendix: The Sanskrit Mantra Benefits

The Buddhist sutras mention that arising from the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind are all kinds of illness. Every illness is tormenting and painful, especially cancer (hemorrhoid diseases), as it remains incurable till date. Buddha on Curing Hemorrhoids mantra on curing diseases is the above Mantra.

4) Dedicate the merits to all the Buddhas and. Bodhisattvas and all the sentient beings.

5) After that chanting, dedication and drink half glass of water, half glass of water can to apply on affected skin areas.

With this devotion, may receive the blessings of the Buddha.

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