
How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids | Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids ,Hemorrhoids, more commonly known as piles, are a common occurrence in old people. They usually occur due to the application of extra pressure during bowel movements. Many people try different methods to get rid of hemorrhoids as quickly as possible, while others just wait for them to go away. This leaves us to deal with the question: do hemorrhoids go away on their own?

Tips for Pain

Many people hope that, as with many other non-threatening ailments, they will go away after some time, however, many others question if hemorrhoids go away on their own, while secretly hoping that they do. Sadly, hemorrhoids do not go away without external help. There are many factors that strain the hemorrhoids like extreme pressure during bowel movements, pregnancy, and poor diet.

Basically, hemorrhoids are of two types:

Internal Hemorrhoids

External Hemorrhoids

As mentioned before, hemorrhoids do not go away on their own and there is no certain time period for them. Some people feel fine after one or two weeks, but if not treated properly, you may need to opt for surgery.

Here are a few home remedies you can apply to ease your pain or even treat your hemorrhoids.

• Sit in a tub with warm water for a minimum of three times a day so as to reduce the inflammation. Remember to pat the anal area clean after the baths.

• Increase your fluid intake along with a gradual increase of fibre in your diet. This will act a stool softener and relieve some pressure from hemorrhoids. This also helps prevent constipation from further aggravating hemorrhoids.

• Avoid sitting for long hours. Sit on rubber or air donuts. Add some form of exercise into your schedule. Add some light cardio routine so as to stimulate bowel movement. Do not avoid going to bathroom; whenever you have the urge to go to the bathroom, attend to it. If you do not, the increased pressure may have a negative effect on the hemorrhoids.

• If possible, use OTC ointments, or creams to relieve the pain. These won't cure hemorrhoids but they will relieve you of the pain by numbing the area.

Medical Procedures:

If even after trying out the home remedies, the hemorrhoids have not left you, then you will have to turn to medical help. Currently, you can choose from many medical options available to you.


• You can use medicated creams that contain hydrocortisone to help relieve your pain. It is not recommended to use these creams for extended periods as they have a negative effect on the skin, and can cause atrophy.

Minimum Invasive Procedures

• On many occasions, a blood clot is formed inside the hemorrhoids, and in such cases, the doctor will use a simple invasive procedure to remove it.

Surgical Procedures

• In some extreme cases, surgery is unavoidable and this may result in you being admitted to hospital, and staying there for a day or two after the surgery.

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