Overwhelmed the fear of hemorrhoids, with 6 simple hemorrhoids,
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Overwhelmed the fear of hemorrhoids, with 6 simple hemorrhoids,
Hemorrhoids are a difficult disease to say because patients often feel embarrassed to talk to others. It does not cause much danger, but hemorrhoids greatly affect the quality of daily life of patients. With habits as well as diet is not suitable today, the rate of people suffering from hemorrhoids tend to increase.
Hemorrhoids can be treated with both Western and Oriental medicine. The following article is to share some folk remedies hemorrhoids are both convenient and safe to use and bring high efficiency. However, when applying this medicine, the patient must be persistent and need to adjust their habits as well as diet reasonable to bring real effect.
1. A hemorrhoid medication from celestial flowers
Celestial plants are easy to plant plants, easy to care for. Natural flowers are often used to make food in fried dishes, cooked soup. Its flowers are usually harvested in the summer. The celestial body, in addition to the use of flowers for food, in Eastern medicine also use flowers and leaf physiology to make the hemorrhoids cure very effective. The physiological plants have the effect of cooling inside the body hemorrhoids, symptoms of bleeding, anal irritation.
How to use folk remedies folk remedies folklore as follows: Using young leaves about 100g was washed, salt to eat about 5g (1 teaspoon). Pass the leaves with salt, add 30ml of warm boiled water, then filter through cloth or gauze (disinfected). Apply the mixture to cotton wool (washed with potassium permanganate) to ice flakes. Apply cotton bandages on the tufts, about one to two times a day, combine with fresh natural leaf juice about 3-4 bowls a day.
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2. A hemorrhoids remedy from fish lettuce
This remedy is a simple way to fill hemorrhoids hemorrhoids because this vegetable is very easy to find, is grown popular and used everyday in meals. However, when applying this drug, the patient must really persevere to be effective. Lettuce is a good source of fiber and has a good cooling effect. It is a good food for people with hemorrhoids. Lettuce washed fish then salted about 5 minutes, drained. Patients should eat live with the food of the day. In addition, to develop more effective patients should cook the lettuce fish, use hot water to infuse the patient then warm water is used to soak. Cut the lettuce fish after cooking is done on the hemorrhoids for patients. Persons suffering hemorrhagic persistence using this method, the disease will be completely.
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3. Cure hemorrhoids with green papaya
Papaya is a fruit that is grown by our people. It is used as food, in Oriental medicine, green papaya is used as a remedy for hemorrhoids. By cutting two fresh green papayas (fruit filled with plastic) to bedtime, put two half of papaya on the sides of the leg, so that overnight. The effect of this method is similar to a direct vasoconstrictor that causes the pulmonary edema to contract. When the tumors disappear, stop using this method. Patients can mix green paprika as a daily soup is also good for the patient because fiber in green papayas make the digestive system easier to operate, the patient easily to the bowel.
4. Push back hemorrhoids with seeds of gac
Patients can use 40g of gac grass crushed, mixed with vinegar and then wrapped in cloth to cover the hemorrhoids.
5. Honey forest pure hemorrhoids treatment
This method should patients persist within a month. However, it is easy to apply and easy to drink. Every day after sleep, drink 1 teaspoon of pure honey. Note the use of pure forest honey, do not use honey beekeeping because it will reduce the effect.
6. Leafless betel leaf and watermelon curd.
Boil water and soak in 15-30p, at least once a day, or two times a day is very good. The hemorrhoids will get very fast, very effective.
Or take 100g watermelon cooked to drink water, for 120g white sugar, cooked to look like Malt candy drink, twice a day, each time 100g. Lettuce has many features and effects in the prevention and treatment of many diseases that are typical of heat, detoxification in the summer, heat bar, blood pressure, hemostatic.
Contribute the hemorrhoids remedy by sending an email to contact@baithuoc.vn. We hope the folk remedies on you can completely cure hemorrhoids at home without going to the medical facilities.
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