There may be many causes of hemorrhoids, but pregnancy is one of them. The chances of having hemorrhoids increases during pregnancy.
The growing baby and hormonal changes exert pressure on the veins and hemorrhoids vessels. It can cause itching and bleeding in the rectum area.
In most of the cases, the women have to face this issue till the birth of the baby.
Hemorrhoids tend to disappear after the birth, but that doesn't mean you can ignore it.
Adopt Proper precautions and treatment during pregnancy which includes
1. Proper Diet
2. Eat Fruits and Green Vegetables
3. Go for Fibre Rich Diet
4. Sitz Bath
5. Avoid Medicines unless the impact is severe
When to consult a doctor ?
If you have attempted the home treatment alternatives, and nothing appears to work in your favor, you will need to refer to a specialist. There are some cases in which surgery or medical treatment become necessary of the home remedies are not showing any positive result.
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