- How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids. When treating hemorrhoids there are certain thing you should never do in order to avoid making the problem worse.
This video will outline five things you should avoid when dealing with a hemorrhoid flare-up.
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How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids - 5 Things You Should Never Do When Treating Hemorrhoids
Going through a hemorrhoid flare-up can be a very daunting and unpleasant experience.
Unfortunately, sometimes we can make that experience far worse by unknowingly doing things that prolong the healing time and actually make the hemorrhoids worse.
Following are some things you should avoid doing when in the middle of a hemorrhoid outbreak:
Don’t Scratch
Granted, this is easier said than done and hemorrhoids can really get to be unbearably itchy, but scratching them is something you should avoid doing at all costs.
When you scratch the hemorrhoid area, you are running the risk of further irritating them and making them swell up even more.
I know it can be extremely difficult but you must try to refrain from scratching. If the itch is extremely bad, try taking some over the counter pain medication such as Aleve or Motrin to help calm the itch and irritation.
Avoid Heavy Lifting
Most people don’t realize this, but lifting heavy objects automatically puts more strain on your entire body and this includes your rear end, which can cause additional strain on the hemorrhoid area, in turn making the condition worse.
While you’re having a bout of hemorrhoids, you really should completely avoid lifting anything heavy. In fact you should probably stay away from exercise that is too strenuous as well.
Some mild workouts are fine and even advisable, but don’t push yourself too much.
Stay Away From Spicy Food
You may want to avoid spicy food when suffering with an outbreak of hemorrhoids because spicy food can be just as spicy coming out as it was going in and without a doubt will cause more pain and uncomfortableness.
Do Not Sit On Hard Surfaces
Needless to say that sitting on hard surfaces while your bottom is inflamed and painful is just a bad idea.
Some people buy specialized pillows (i.e. donut pillows) that will actually help them sit down without actually exposing their inflamed areas to the hard seat itself.
Even though this seems like a small step, it can help you to just be able to sit down and relax.
Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol
Caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics that dehydrate the body. Dehydration causes even more inflammation and pain.
During a flare-up you should really steer clear of both and use water to keep yourself hydrated.
If you must have the morning cup of coffee, tea or that cup of wine later in the day, at least drink one glass of water before and after to help your body stay hydrated.
Avoiding these things during a flare-up should help you avoid any unnecessary irritation during this sensitive time.
For more information on hemorrhoids and to download your FREE copy of “The Truth About Hemorrhoids” visit