[How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids Fast]
Link video: are the top 10 ways to get rid of hemorrhoids.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
When it comes to treating and reducing the discomforts of hemorrhoids, apple cider vinegar is one of the best remedies.
2. Rutin
Rutin, a vitamin supplement, is another good treatment for hemorrhoids. This bioflavonoid helps strengthen the veins and reduces inflammation.
3. Ice Pack
To deal with the swelling and pain associated with piles, an ice pack is a good home remedy.
4. Sitz Bath
A sitz bath is also beneficial for reducing the discomforts of piles. It’s a technique in which you soak only the hips and buttocks in warm water.
5. Fiber-Rich Foods
Preventing hemorrhoids is obviously preferred to treating them after they occur. You can do this by eating foods that help keep your stools soft, so you do not have to strain during a bowel movement.
6. Lots of Fluids
Keeping your body well hydrated can make a big difference if you suffer from persistent or recurring hemorrhoids. This lifestyle modification helps treat as well as prevent hemorrhoids.
7. Witch Hazel
Witch hazel has mild astringent and healing properties that help ease the discomforts of hemorrhoids, such as pain, itching and swelling.
8. Black Peppercorns
Though it may sound strange, black peppercorns are another effective natural treatment for hemorrhoids.
9. Coconut Oil
The anti-inflammatory and healing properties of coconut oil are beneficial for the treatment of both internal and external hemorrhoids.
10. Proper Bathroom Habits
To prevent and heal hemorrhoids, it is important to practice good hygiene and bathroom habits. First and foremost, keep the anal area clean as much as possible.
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