
Sitz Bath - Easiest Way to Cure Hemorrhoids

A hemorrhoid is not a severe condition. It can be treated easily by adopting proper care.

There are some ways you can overcome the itching and burning sensation caused by them. Sitz bath is one of them and is highly recommended.

As the term suggest, Sit and Bath. Sitz Bath is a different style of bathing in which the individual places the lower back in the water warm. It is done to get relief from pain caused by rupture of tissue in the rectum region. It may be in the case of hemorrhoids, anal fissure or after giving birth to a baby.

Irrespective of the pain, sitz bath has proven to provide instant soothing effect and is highly recommended by the doctors too.

Sitz bath serves as a natural treatment for number of problems

1. Hemorrhoids

2. Constipation among teens and adults

3. Healing damaged tissues after birth

4. Vaginal Infections

How to take Sitz Bath

Clean the tub

Add warm water

Add some salt preferably Epsom salt. This solution helps in shrinking hemorrhoids further reducing its impact.

Gently clean and dry the infected area.

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