
The Most Effective Home Remedy for Hemorrhoids — Aloe, Herbal Tea, Sitz baths and Cold Therapies

The Most Effective Home Remedy for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are inflamed varicose veins in the rectum that cause pain and much discomfort, most often caused by improper eating that causes constipation.

They have different presentations ranging from baths seats, cold packs, natural suppositories, infusions, etc.

#1 Aloe Vera suppository

Aloe vera is well known for its regenerating properties of tissue and anti-inflammatory power.

An excellent treatment to heal internal hemorrhoids is made by placing the gel of aloe in plastic giving it the shape of a thin suppository and freezes.

Once it’s frozen, the plastic is removed and inserted into the anus.

#2 Herbal Infusions

Chamomile has great medicinal power and is used in multipurpose for its healing properties, antiseptic and anti inflammatory.

Make an infusion of chamomile tea and place the tea bag directly in the area of hemorrhoids and let it act for 20 minutes.

#3 Sitz baths

Are very effective in relieving the discomfort of the hemorrhoids.

For this you can prepare an infusion of chamomile, leave it at room temperature and take the sitz bath for 15 minutes every day.

Sitz baths can be made with horse chestnut, burdock or marigold and chamomile.

#4 Cold Therapies

They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, so it’s advisable to place in the affected area for short periods of time: gel packs, cryo compresses, or ice pack.

The results of this therapy are very effective because of the rapidity with which the sensation of relief is experienced.

*How to prevent this in the future*

To prevent hemorrhoids it’s important to have a balanced diet that includes fibers, which are present in: fruits, veggies and vegetables.

Artificial condiments and spicy sauces should be avoided.

Have a good daily hydration by drinking plenty of water, at least 2 liters a day being essential for softer stools.

Our advice from the team How to Remove Hemorrhoids is to make the bath of seat, then apply cold therapy and finish with the suppository of aloe vera. In this way the feeling of improvement is practically instantaneous.

Song: Highway [Top Shelf Sounds Release]

Artists: Hevenly

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