
Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally at Home Effectively at Once and For All

Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally at Home Effectively at Once and For All

When you have pain when going to the toilet to evacuate, have itching, stinging, inflammation or any other type of pain, there is a high probability that you will have hemorrhoids.

This condition doesn’t constitute a serious situation for your health but it causes many discomforts to those who suffer it.

Treatment to Remove Hemorrhoids

5) Avoid Constipation

Constipation is one of the causes that most pains occasions when you have hemorrhoids.

You are advised to exercise regularly, drink enough water, eat healthy eating fruits, vegetables and eliminate gas-causing foods.

4) Sitz baths for anal hygiene

To make this, take a sitz bath in the following ways: Sit on the bath rate with the water reaching to your hips or buy a seat bath chair to place it on the rate. This bath chair can be purchased at any pharmacy at a reasonable price. After the bath, dry the affected area with a clean white cloth.

3) Avoid using toilet paper, perfumed soaps and wet towels.

If you want to safely cure hemorrhoids you should avoid using hygienic papers, soaps and scented wet wipes. These can cause damage to the affected area such as skin irritations and problems in the improvement.

2) Use ointments or creams

Ointments that have been created for the purpose of relieving or curing hemorrhoids contain phenylephrine, this substance is a vasoconstrictor that presses on the anal blood vessels. There are many solutions such as preparation H, sanitary pads or suppositories.

Either of these should be prescribed before by a doctor specialist in the subject. Don’t use prolonged use of these creams because they could cause skin lesions.

1) Sit comfortable

Relieve some of the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids; Sit comfortably on a donut-shaped cushion or otherwise use a well padded chair, use a pillow if necessary.

Sometimes it is disturbing to achieve the goal of how to cure hemorrhoids from one day to the other, with these treatments will be assured of success. Be patient and you will see the positive results once and for all.

This has been an overview to treat hemorrhoids naturally. Now apply what you learned here is of no use filling up with information if you do not apply it.


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