
6 Foods That Help With Hemorrhoids | Hemorrhoids Home Treatment

Hemorrhoids are not very dangerous but they cause extreme pain and discomfort along with bleeding. In severe cases, surgery is performed to remove hemorrhoid. But the fact is that they bring a temporary relief only and there is a high chance of recurrence. Regular physical activity and a healthy diet routine could help avoid and deal with hemorrhoids. A diet good in fiber could help deal with hemorrhoids and including certain foods in your diet can help reduce flare-ups and the severity of the hemorrhoid symptoms.

Hemorrhoids, which are often known as piles are inflamed and swollen varicose veins in the rectum and the anus. Affecting around 80% of people across the world, hemorrhoids are considered as one of the most common ailments. It is often caused due to an increase in the pressure on the veins during childbirth, lack of physical activity, straining with bowel movements, a diet low in fiber and fluids etc.....

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