
Hemorrhoid Symptoms - H Miracle Tips To Reduce Hemorrhoid Pain


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Hemorrhoid Symptoms & Tips to Reduce the Pain.

A hemorrhoid is an enlarged or twisted vein in the wall of the lower rectum and/or the anus. Hemorrhoids may occur for many reasons, the most common of these are the extra pressure placed on the anorectal area by frequent constipation or by pregnancy; aging, obesity and the frequent use of enemas or suppositories can also be significant factors.

Hemorrhoids that are severe enough to require medical treatment are least common in men and women in their 20's or younger. It is estimated that after age 30, however, three-quarters of all Americans will have hemorrhoids that require medical treatment; most of those cases will involve men and pregnant women.

Minor hemorrhoids (internal or external) will not be painful and may go away without treatment of any kind. A more serious hemorrhoid may bleed and you may notice blood in the toilet bowl, on the feces, on the toilet paper or on your undergarment. If an internal hemorrhoid becomes large enough it will protrude through the anal opening.

External hemorrhoids, if they are large, however, can be painful when attempting to clean the anal area after a bowel movement, they are also subject to blood clots.

So how can you reduce the frequency and pain of Hemorrhoids?

Sometimes changing your lifestyle or, more importantly, your dietary habits will allow you to avoid a re-occurrence of hemorrhoids. Adding items with a high fiber content to your diet may be enough to avoid constipation, other tactics may involve drinking six to eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day, losing excess weight and drinking a fiber supplement. Sitting on a toilet seat while reading a book is bad idea because it increases the pressure on the veins that are likely to become irritated and swell.

If you have an external hemorrhoid, use a pre-moistened clean wipe or one of the hemorrhoid products on the market to reduce the pain and discomfort. Try sitting in a tub of warm water to reduce pain or using an ice pack to reduce swelling.

If these ‘home remedies’ do you no good, see your doctor. There is no need to live with the pain of hemorrhoids.

Alternatively, you can check out a guide called the H Miracle by Holly Hayden The guide has helped many recover safely and naturally in a matter of days. Here is the link to the H Miracle guide: Video Description

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Then this video is for you to watch.


Other Relevant Videos on Hemorrhoid Miracle by Holly presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions:

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