
The 3 Best Home Remedies For Internal Hemorrhoids — How to Remove Hemorrhoids

The 3 Best Home Remedies For Internal Hemorrhoids — How to Remove Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a common problem and also suffer in silence.

Hemorrhoids are produced by different factors: constipation, pregnancy, childbirth, obesity. etc.

In definitive they end up occurring because there is excessive pressure on the anal area, as a result of this the vein dilates and loses its elasticity.

These remedies will go in one part to facilitate the evacuation of feces and on the other hand to improve the venous circulation from the inside.

1. Dietary supplementation with fiber

It is essential to follow a diet rich in fiber so as not to suffer constipation and to be able to easily evacuate the feces,

Thus, a good way to consume fiber is whole wheat bran. We can take a medium muffin of bran, daily. We will accompany with milk or some vegetable drink so that it is pleasant to take it.

A good time option is to take it at night.

Take enough water during the day, 1.5 to 2 liters per day because otherwise it could produce the opposite effect and the fiber could cause us constipation.

2. Apple Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a good choice for improving circulation from the inside, making it especially useful for treating internal hemorrhoids.

Add 2 tablespoons of this vinegar to a glass of water and drink it.

This remedy can be used 2 to 3 times a day.

3. Treatment with medicinal plants

Here we stand out all those that we can make based on medicinal plants. These are plants that will help improve circulation from the inside.

The best plants to achieve them are ruscus aculeatus and horse chestnut, but the horsetail can also be very useful, it doesn’t promote circulation but it does eliminate fluids, so it will decrease the pressure exerted on the rectum.

We can take them in infusion, but ideally it’s a commercialized infusion, so we don’t run the risk of making a mistake with the dose.

If you put these remedies into practice you will see how the annoying hemorrhoid symptoms disappear and you will be able to feel again with your full vitality, your quality of life will have improved enormously.
