
The 3 Best Home Treatment for External Hemorrhoids — How to Remove Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are veins located in the rectal and anal area that dilate and lose their elasticity. It would be varicose veins located in the anal area (in this case in the external anal area).

They can be caused by several factors: pregnancy, childbirth, constipation, etc. In short, they result from increased pressure on the anal area.

You usually feel like pain or itching but sometimes these hemorrhoids can have clots or excessive bleeding.

You will see how to apply them in a simple way and from your home you can improve the annoying symptoms like, improving the circulation of dilated veins, improve the consistency and lubrication of feces suffered by hemorrhoids.

Home Treatment for External Hemorrhoids

1.- Whole wheat bran preparations

Intended to facilitate the evacuation of feces, as it will increase its consistency and will lubricate.

It’s more advisable to buy it in a store of dietetics before than in a supermarket, since we will obtain a whole wheat bran of a higher quality.

You should take a medium bowl of wheat bran every night to which we can add cow's milk or some vegetable drink.

In this way it’s very pleasant to take. The next day we can see that we evacuate more easily , without efforts that cause us more pain.

To take this remedy it’s important to ingest enough liquid during the day, from 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

2.- Application of Hamamelis Water

It aims to improve the circulation of the anal area, thus relieving symptoms such as pain and itching.

The hamamelis water can be made at home or bought already marketed.

We will soak some cotton swabs in the hamamelis water for later application in the external anal area. Thus, the topical action of this plant extract will immediately improve circulation and symptoms.

3.- Sitz Bath

This is without a doubt one of the best known but also the most effective.

It is about making sitz bath with warm water and with cold water, passing of one temperature to another and finishing always with cold water.

In this way we can provide more elasticity to the already dilated veins of the anus, so that they are better able to contract and the circulation improves.

If you apply these remedies you will see how the annoying symptoms of external hemorrhoids disappear, then greatly improving your quality of life.

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