How to Heal Hemorrhoids
00:00:37 Method 1 Healing Hemorrhoids
00:00:44 1 - Clean the anal area thoroughly after every bowel movement
00:01:07 2 - Take a warm bath
00:01:49 3 - Apply a topical cream or ointment
00:02:25 4 - Apply a warm, wet teabag
00:02:49 5 - Using witch hazel
00:03:23 Method 2 Preventing Hemorrhoids
00:03:30 1 - Understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
00:04:13 2 - Don't strain during bowel movements
00:04:38 3 - Take a break from sitting every once in a while
00:04:59 4 - Don't scratch the area with hemorrhoids and don't over-wipe
00:05:27 5 - Wear cotton underwear
00:05:48 Method 3 Seeking Help
00:05:54 1 - For persistent, painful hemorrhoids, talk to a doctor about heat treatments and other types of procedures
00:06:54 2 - Seek help for hemorrhoids that have formed nearby clots
00:07:18 3 - Seek help for excessive bloody discharge from bowel movements
00:07:39 Method 4 What to Expect from A Doctor
00:07:46 1 - Expect the first procedure to be a simple rubber band ligation
00:08:24 2 - Talk to your doctor about alternative shrinking procedures if rubber band ligation fails
00:09:10 3 - Consider a hemorrhoidectomy with your doctor to permanently remove hemorrhoids
00:10:04 4 - Talk to your doctor about stapling to remove internal or prolapsed hemorrhoids
00:10:54 5 - Do not expect pain relievers, but be ready for prescription stool softeners
00:11:40 Method 5 Alternative remedies
00:11:47 1 - Herbal remedy for Hemorrhoids:
00:12:46 2 - Resonance Homeopathy remedy for hemorrhoids
00:13:48 Tips
00:15:45 Warnings
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